Is it really what you want?
Success, both personal and financial success, intersect at entrepreneur-ism and personal development. My goal is to give you the best ideas and resources about personal development and home based business. Successful online match ups are not as apparent. I know of at least one personally.
Meditation is a process where you concentrate on the mantra and its meaning for as long as you can, and when your mind wanders, you bring it back. Meditation is a big part of this. See your desire as if it had already happened.
Everyone also knows that only leaders are the ones that make the money in network marketing. All the network marketing companies focus their training on personal development. Everyone (no matter how successful they are) make small or big mistakes throughout their lives. Have you ever heard of the power of thought or the power of suggestion? Everyone is different and another person’s actions will not always completely fit your own circumstances.
Instead of empowering themselves, some people actually empower their Guru and turn them into a demi-god. Such an unproductive waste of time and energy. Instead of thinking that you are never going to reach your final goal, you will see the progress that you are making as you complete each smaller, more obtainable goal. This will give you a sense of accomplishment, as well as help you to change your thinking to a more positive mind set.
As a Personal Development Instructor, I help clients deal with very personal and pertinent challenges. A common area of concern for many clients involves their job and/or professional life. Naturally, the majority of us want to be fulfilled and stimulated in our work, but the tricky part is finding out what that fulfillment and stimulation means to us. To do that, sometimes we need to think about our situation in a slightly different manner! I am convinced that we all have the potential to find passion at work – whether we bring our passions to work or we bring our work to our passions.
I want to tell you about an experience with a young client whom I'll call Robert. Robert was frustrated and resentful when he first came to see me as he found no joy in his work. He said it was boring and uninspiring and he felt unappreciated by his superiors and passed over for promotions.
When I asked him what he did feel passionate about, his face lit up as he articulated what he loved to do. But then he confessed that he didn't see how he could ever bring his passion to his job. So we spent the rest of our session discussing different things he might do to better his situation and to obtain his goal.
My Friend , Robert called me a few months later to thank me again for my help and to say that he had been following through with my suggestions and that he was making progress in his professional life. First, he said that he considered where his passions took him and then he looked for ways to move his job activities in that direction. He also spent time working on his attitude. Rather than focus on how much he disliked his job, he began thinking how much he would enjoy work if he were able to experience passion and stimulation in the work place. He began to believe that he could find enjoyment in his employment.
It occurred to him that his company would also benefit from his enthusiasm and stimulation if he could fit his passions into his employment. That realization helped him to look at his current position differently: to consider obstacles as opportunities to incorporate his interests and passions.
He began finding ways to fulfill that drive in his work place, and it wasn't long before his situation began to improve—both mentally and physically. His boss took notice of his new attitude and rewarded him with more creative control and responsibility. That made him feel much better about his position and his contributions. Gradually for the first time, Robert realized that he was enjoying his job and his work.
Of course, that is a very great place to be, Friend, and I am very happy for Robert and all my clients who find stimulation and enjoyment in their life. I hope Robert's story will serve as a reminder that that we can find ways to fuel our passions and interests in our day-to-day lives.
Meditation is a process where you concentrate on the mantra and its meaning for as long as you can, and when your mind wanders, you bring it back. Meditation is a big part of this. See your desire as if it had already happened.
Everyone also knows that only leaders are the ones that make the money in network marketing. All the network marketing companies focus their training on personal development. Everyone (no matter how successful they are) make small or big mistakes throughout their lives. Have you ever heard of the power of thought or the power of suggestion? Everyone is different and another person’s actions will not always completely fit your own circumstances.
Instead of empowering themselves, some people actually empower their Guru and turn them into a demi-god. Such an unproductive waste of time and energy. Instead of thinking that you are never going to reach your final goal, you will see the progress that you are making as you complete each smaller, more obtainable goal. This will give you a sense of accomplishment, as well as help you to change your thinking to a more positive mind set.
As a Personal Development Instructor, I help clients deal with very personal and pertinent challenges. A common area of concern for many clients involves their job and/or professional life. Naturally, the majority of us want to be fulfilled and stimulated in our work, but the tricky part is finding out what that fulfillment and stimulation means to us. To do that, sometimes we need to think about our situation in a slightly different manner! I am convinced that we all have the potential to find passion at work – whether we bring our passions to work or we bring our work to our passions.
I want to tell you about an experience with a young client whom I'll call Robert. Robert was frustrated and resentful when he first came to see me as he found no joy in his work. He said it was boring and uninspiring and he felt unappreciated by his superiors and passed over for promotions.
When I asked him what he did feel passionate about, his face lit up as he articulated what he loved to do. But then he confessed that he didn't see how he could ever bring his passion to his job. So we spent the rest of our session discussing different things he might do to better his situation and to obtain his goal.
My Friend , Robert called me a few months later to thank me again for my help and to say that he had been following through with my suggestions and that he was making progress in his professional life. First, he said that he considered where his passions took him and then he looked for ways to move his job activities in that direction. He also spent time working on his attitude. Rather than focus on how much he disliked his job, he began thinking how much he would enjoy work if he were able to experience passion and stimulation in the work place. He began to believe that he could find enjoyment in his employment.
It occurred to him that his company would also benefit from his enthusiasm and stimulation if he could fit his passions into his employment. That realization helped him to look at his current position differently: to consider obstacles as opportunities to incorporate his interests and passions.
He began finding ways to fulfill that drive in his work place, and it wasn't long before his situation began to improve—both mentally and physically. His boss took notice of his new attitude and rewarded him with more creative control and responsibility. That made him feel much better about his position and his contributions. Gradually for the first time, Robert realized that he was enjoying his job and his work.
Of course, that is a very great place to be, Friend, and I am very happy for Robert and all my clients who find stimulation and enjoyment in their life. I hope Robert's story will serve as a reminder that that we can find ways to fuel our passions and interests in our day-to-day lives.