
Showing posts from 2012

Is it really what you want?

Success, both personal and financial success, intersect at entrepreneur-ism and personal development. My goal is to give you the best ideas and resources about personal development and home based business . Successful online match ups are not as apparent. I know of at least one personally. Meditation is a process where you concentrate on the mantra and its meaning for as long as you can, and when your mind wanders, you bring it back. Meditation is a big part of this. See your desire as if it had already happened. Everyone also knows that only leaders are the ones that make the money in network marketing . All the network marketing companies focus their training on personal development. Everyone (no matter how successful they are) make small or big mistakes throughout their lives. Have you ever heard of the power of thought or the power of suggestion ? Everyone is different and another person’s actions will not always completely fit your own circumstances. Instead of empowering them...

Introduction on Success

A sense of purpose leads to happiness Having a sense of purpose in your life goes a long way to helping you feel confident, secure and happy. A sense of purpose can be brought about by anything in life, it can be related to your career, bringing up a family or doing voluntary work . It is all about fitting in and feeling you are making a difference in life, that you are achieving something and getting somewhere. If you have a sense of purpose in life you have something to look forward to everyday, a reason for getting up out of bed in the morning with a smile, it makes you feel good on the outside and so good on the inside. It leads to a more confident person who is happy with their position in life. Younger people very often have no problem developing a purpose in life, they are just starting out and the majority of them have exams to pass, careers to start building, meeting the opposite sex, dating, marrying and eventually starting their own families. The major...

Personal Development for Prosperity

Developing yourself spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically can lead to a happier life, personal development largely depends on mastering a few basic skills and implementing them into your life. The basics of personal development are managing your time more successfully, setting realistic goals, understanding yourself and building self-worth and self-esteem and having a purpose in life . In order to gain personal development it is essential that you know who you really are, while this might sound silly, very few people realize their true self-worth and what they are capable of achieving. Only by realizing the difference you make to the world, what holds you back from achieving what you want out of life and how to fully develop yourself to reach what you want, can you then begin to develop. Related articles personal development - addendum ( 5 Excellent Articles on Personal Development ( Revolutionary...

Changes don’t happen overnight

Any changes that you make are going to require time and effort on your part; they won’t happen overnight simply because you want to change. You must set your mind to devoting your efforts to what you want to change and develop and focus on them until you get there. As mentioned before if you want to develop yourself then you have to have a solid base from which to work from, you have to be aware of whom you are. Once you discover this it brings a whole new meaning and purpose to life, by taking a long deep look at ourselves we discover everything there is to know and we bring out our creative side more. We open the door to our intuition and let go of our imagination, which many of us don’t use to its full extent, and we are able to develop these feelings. Related articles Develop Your Intuition for Business ( Unconscious to conscious ( Defining the struggle ( Seeking Life Balance in Motherhood (joyof...

Key points to personal development

The key points to personal development are include: knowing what it is you want from life and how you will achieve it, breaking free from your beliefs that you have limits and letting go of thoughts and emotions that have held you back, becoming more in tune with yourself and letting your intuition and creative side out, understanding why you make a difference, and successfully changing your thoughts, feelings and way of thinking so you can continue expanding. As young children we don’t hold back or deny ourselves anything as we are growing, and due to this we continue to grow and develop from a child into an adult. We continually learn and adapt and better ourselves. Young children don’t seem to have the fears that we develop as adults, life is so much simpler and easier to cope with and deal with, a child’s mind is open and they continually use their imagination and intuition, they are not afraid of what they can and cannot do. It is only when we reach adulthood we hold ou...

How to manage your schedule and stay stress free

In today’s busy world staying on top of things and being able to successfully manage your schedule is essential if you want to remain stress free, a schedule is all about planning your day more efficiently which ultimately ensures that you get everything accomplished that you wish to. The most efficient way to do this is to list your time and tasks in order of priority and determine what top priority is and to set out goals in your life that you want to accomplish. Related articles How can I manage my time more effectively? ( Time Management for Interruption-Based Professions ( How to Run a Business Remotely ( Stress...A Necessary Part of The Holidays, And Life? ( Buttoned Up: Nine immutable laws of time management ( Useful Tips on Efficient Managing of Your Time ( The Link Between Stress and High Blood Pressure (everydayhe...

Determining goals and priorities

In order to be able to manage your time more efficiently and get the most out of your day you must be able to be in control of your life and decide exactly what it is that you want out of life and what you need to do in order to reach what you want. The next decision is managing your priorities efficiently; you do this by determining what is more important to you. The next step is analyzing what you do with your time by finding out exactly how much time you spend on a particular task in life, a journal will help you greatly with this part and you should make a list of your schedule and daily life and determine exactly how long you take on certain activities. Activities you should include could be working, studying, exercising, sleeping and relaxation, once you have done this you can then go on to evaluate the use of your time and determine the best schedule for making better use of it. Related articles How can I manage my time more effectively? (

Matching available time with your priorities

In order to best manage your time and make your day more efficient you need to take a look at the detailed list you prepared and use your time to match your priorities. As well as taking into account the amount of time you actually spend on each task you should also ask yourself if you are spending enough quality time on a task. A good example of this would be that if you studying then are you studying when you are likely to take in more information or is studying fitted in whenever you can, if you are leaving studying until the end of the day then you are likely to be tired and wont concentrate as well as you would earlier on in the day. Related articles How can I manage my time more effectively? ( Buttoned Up: Nine immutable laws of time management ( How can I keep studying from affecting my love life? ( How to Get the Important Stuff Done ( Time Management Skills (hisi...

Tips for managing your time more efficiently

Break down large tasks into smaller ones and tackling each individual part one at a time can ease the stress considerably than facing one larger task Get rid of routine tasks, if a task is done just out of routine instead of necessity then eliminate it if possible. Look at your habits to see if they could be changed, maybe you could do certain things different ways and save yourself some time in the process. Evaluate yourself to determine if you are a morning person or night person and organize tasks to use whatever time suits you best. Learn to say the word “no” when asked to do something for someone, don’t be continually put upon by others who know you cannot refuse them, its OK doing favours but it can take considerable time from your day.  Related articles super Fae 90 is a night person. ( 5 Productivity Tricks to Employ Now! ( Morning Reflections (

Top 10 Time Management Skills

The secret to managing time successfully is being able to manage yourself, although we often think we don’t waste a minute of our time in reality this is far from true and there are many ways which we can manage ourselves more efficiently which ultimately leads to more successful time management . In order to successfully manage time there are strategies which you can use to stay more in control and relieve stress which plays a big factor in successful time management . Attempting to do too much – in today’s busy world many people want things done yesterday and this only leads to rushing around and not doing a task properly, it also leads to mistakes and half-finished work with no real feeling of having accomplished anything with your time. A lack of priorities – this is the single biggest cause of time wasting , in order to successfully manage time we have to know exactly what our priorities are for the day, by not prioritizing we spend too much time on the ...

There is no “I” in TEAM

Team Building Basics Team building is important for home life with your family team and in business with your work team. What a team effort does is place the focus on the many and not the individual . Let’s take a closer look. What a Team is: Teams work together for one common goal. A team has one aim. They have a common goal for which every teammate has shared responsibility for completing and meeting that one goal. Everyone in the team understands the goal and is highly committed to it. To improve teamwork you simply must make sure that everyone on your team understands the goal and are all committed to meeting that goal. How to Improve Teamwork : Make sure that at all times everyone in your team understands the common goal and is fully committed to it. Without any of this in place, your team and the goal is in danger. You can make sure your team is working together by: Making sure the team’s goals are clear Making sure everyone in the team fe...