Can positive self-talk really help me to lose weight?

Weightloss pyramid.Image via WikipediaThere is no single easy answer to this question, simply because there is no single, easy process that can be used to achieve foolproof weight loss. Certainly just sitting down and talking to yourself about losing weight will not be the only thing you have to do in order to accomplish weight loss, since positive self-talk does not work that way.

 It cannot make pounds drop from your body, but if used properly and effectively it can help alter your mental state and your receptiveness to the idea of the various parts of a weight loss program that will lead you toward long term and healthy, balanced weight loss. Positive self-talk is not about accomplishing things without having to do anything one at all, but rather about motivating oneself to find the willpower needed to accomplish them.

What is the first step toward losing weight through positive self-talk?
First, you must make a definite decision about the weight-loss process. Begin by reminding yourself that you are fully committed to giving yourself a healthier body and more balanced lifestyle. Tell yourself how great you will feel once you have achieved your goals, and continually reinforce those goals as your own.

Next, you must determine if you are overweight and in need of a real diet and exercise regimen at all. Some people have been made extra-sensitive to the idea of their weight by hurtful comments made in the past or the mass-produced, media-generated concept of beauty, but may actually be a perfectly healthy weight for their height.

In order to determine if this is the case for you, you must first consult a physician, who will tell you if your weight and lifestyle are currently healthy for you. If you are not, there may not even be a physical flaw in your current lifestyle but rather a health issue. Perhaps your physician will discover a thyroid imbalance or another health condition that has contributed to your weight, preventing you from achieving a healthy size.

If this is the case, no amount of positive self-talk will help you simply because a traditional weight loss program will not be of any use to you, and your problem will need to be dealt with medically. If, however, your problem is to do with diet and/or exercise, your physician may also have suggestions as to how you can go about losing weight healthily.

He or she may have vitamins to recommend, or perhaps suggest that you correct other health issues that would make the weight loss process difficult or even dangerous, such as anemia or high blood pressure. These serious conditions need to be corrected and monitored before you are ready to begin any sort of exercise program.

After I have seen a physician, how does positive self-talk come into it?

Once you have consulted with a physician, you can begin the process of positive self-talk as a guide to weight loss. Now that you have received some concrete facts from your family doctor, you have something on which to focus when you address yourself and the problem you wish to confront.

Your doctor will have given you some medical information about the weight loss process, and it is a good idea to keep this handy whenever you sit down to prepare yourself for the program. Consult the information and remind yourself how healthy and great you will feel once you have completed the program, and reference the materials given to you by your doctor. They will provide a sound basis for reminding yourself of your goals as well as how possible it is to achieve them.

By spending several minutes each morning energizing yourself with these reminders, you will give yourself the incentive needed to start and maintain a healthy diet and exercise program conducive to losing weight.

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