"The First Practical Philosophy Of Human Achievement"

Andrew Carnegie, American businessman and phil...
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Andrew Carnegie felt that there was a need for a new philosophy he said,”We've had lots of philosophies going back to the days of Socrates , Plato, James, what we need is a Philosophy that would conserve and pass on to the on coming generation”,the sum total of what men like he had learned over a life time of trial and error methods. He went on to say, “That It was one of the sins of the ages that this knowledge gained at such a tremendous price by so many men, was buried with their bones when they died and nobody had ever organised it into a philosophy and made it available to the man in the street.”

He Said, “If I commission you to become Author of this philosophy, give you letters of introduction to people who's help you'll need, are you willing to devote twenty-years to research, because that's about how long it's going to take, earning your own way as you go along without any subsidy from me, yes or no?”

What a fantastic thing that was, a young man in his early twenties, with very little education sitting in-front of this Great man who had offered him an opportunity such has never come to any other Author at anytime in the civilisation of man, no Author as far as I can tell has never had the co-operation and collaboration of over five hundred outstanding men to help create any work of any sort.That was the Kind of an opportunity that was facing him.

Here is an important thing I would like to call to your attention,dear Listener, Napoleon Hill did not know this at the time but he learned about it later. After being briefed for three days and nights on the potentials of this philosophy, on how it could be organised and what it could do.
Mr Carnegie made up his mind that when he put the question to Napoleon, he would allow him only sixty-seconds in which to say yes or no.

Sixty-seconds that's all ! He didn't see it, but Mr Carnegie was sitting there with a stop watch behind his desk, timing him and it took Napoleon exactly twenty-nine seconds to make up his mind to accept. He had thirty-one seconds between him and an opportunity which has never come to another Author, I have never known of any Author in any field having so much help, so much guidence,given and supplied without money and without price. Mr Carnegie then said, “Napoleon twenty years is a long time and I have given you a tough pretty tough assignment and you have accepted it. I want to warn you now that you are going to have many temptations along the way ,long before you complete your twenty-years of research to quit, because that is the easiest thing for a weakling to do is to quit. I don't think you are a weakling, if I had thought so, I would not have given you the opportunity, but I do know that you need something to bridge over your temptation to quit if and when they do come. 

Iam going to give you a formula that will enable you to condition your mind so thoroughly that nothing in the world can stop you from going ahead and completing the task to which I have assigned to you.”

Napoleon was taking all this down in short-hand,Carngie said,”I want you to write very slowly and I want you to underscore every word I speak now and here is the message I want you to repeat to yourself at least twice a day, once just before you go to bed at night and once after you get up in the morning. Looking at yourself in the mirror. You are talking to Napoleon Hill now, mind you and this is what you say to him, "Andrew Carnegie not only am I going to equal your achievements in Life, but Iam going to challenge you at the post and pass you at the Grandstand!”

Napoleon threw his pencil down and said Mr Carnegie you know I'm not going to be able to do that, Mr Carnegie said of course, I know you're not going to do that, unless and until you believe it , but do this for me, try it out for thirty days can you do that? Napoleon said, "yes I can do that it's a reasonable request." Had his fingers crossed, the idea of a youngster promising to equal and out do a man who had reached the level of a Billionaire, it seemed so ridiculous it wasn't even funny. He thought Mr Carnegie had lost his mind, it was just something that seemed too good to be true. 

When Napoleon got back to his hotel he went into the bathroom and closed the door real tight, went up to the mirror and almost whispered this formula. In his minds eye he saw the real Napoleon Hill standing there and he said you darned liar you know you're not going to be able to to this.
Well, at the end of the first week of doing this, he said to himself, “Don't you realize that Andrew Carnegie is the Richest man in the World, he is known all-over the world as the best picker of men in the world and if he chose you to do a job like this he must have seen something in you that you didn't know was there, why don't you change your mental attitude.

Ladies and Gentlemen Napoleon Hill started to change his mental attitude and by the end of the month, he not only believed that he would excel Canegie he knew that he would excel him !

Shahbaz Alexis-aka The Cat In That Hat


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