Links to try out and be on your way to self-improvement
Cover of Motivation and Personality |
applications of self-improvement programs include motivation and
confidence, personal relationships, sales and job performance,
enhancement of sports performance, public speaking, weight control
and smoking cessation.
are some basic principles to help you determine whether such products
or programs are worthy of your time and money.
is no book or program that will be an exact fit for your needs and
interests. Books and group programs are necessarily general in
nature. Some of the ideas and concepts may apply well to you, but
others may be irrelevant or just plain wrong as applied to your own
personality and life situation. Use good judgment and discrimination
in following advice offered in any self-improvement program.
wary of any program that is highly authoritarian and that tears you
down, or attacks people who question what is being done. There have
been many group self-improvement programs that have enjoyed a
temporary burst of great popularity over the years that have been
extremely damaging to some participants.
most effective program or tape would, of course, be one that is
designed specifically for the individual, addressing his or her
unique goals, motivation and personality. Obviously this can be done
only in personal consultation with a professional person such as a
psychologist and involves the cost of paying that professional person
for the time it takes them to provide the individual attention
required to design a program or tape tailored exactly to your needs.
a link to which you can seek for help can make things easier for you
to achieve your goal. Help is on its way. Here are links that I can
suggest you can visit.
content of this awesome and well-organized site might be described as
half-way in between the sites "Self Improvement Online" and
"Mental Health Net." Although its modest self description
on the home page is "This Web site contains lots of
psychology-related information for students and teachers of
psychology," it is that and much more. The links on its
self-help directory page alone are worth the time of the trip to this
• Internet
Mental Health:
their words: "Internet Mental Health is a free encyclopedia of
mental health information. It was designed by a Canadian
psychiatrist, Dr. Phillip Long, and programmed by his colleague,
Brian Chow...Internet Mental Health is for anyone who has an interest
in mental health: -Mental health professionals -Patients who want to
learn more about their illness -Friends and families of patients
-Mental health support groups -Students -Members of the general
public who want to learn more about mental health" This is an
impressive site with many helpful articles and resources. If you are
interested in mental health from any point of view, you'll be happy
you visited.
• Life
of the demand from our clients we started this site Life Mentoring
for individual visitors, in
It's mission is to provide you with the best collection of thoughts,
ideas, philosophies and practical concepts for leading a truly
meaningful and successful life. It is not linked to any school of
thought, but rather wants to give you an overview of all different
approaches - and so you to choose and pick whatever suits your needs
best." The site has a number of very good articles, excellent
collection of links, a free newsletter, a bbs/forum. Lots of
enthusiasm, but no commercial hype.
group program or a general tape is, of course, less costly. If it
does in fact does come close to fitting the goals, motivation and
personality of the individual reasonably well, it may prove to be a
useful self-improvement tool. It is a less costly approach, but it
could not reasonably be expected to be as effective as a program or
tape designed specifically for you.